Top 35 Places to Shoot in Virginia

For some time, I’ve been following the podcast and website of It has helped me tremendously in doing just what its title says – improving my photography. Several weeks ago, its founder Jim Harmer collected a few of us together to form a Facebook group of contributing bloggers. At unpredictable moments, he throws out a list of topics that he wants articles written for, and whoever claims a topic first gets to write it. Until last month, one thing or another kept me from claiming articles. Sometimes I’m late to the party; sometimes I feel intimidated by the topics; and sometimes other writers simply beat me to the ones I could do a good job with. Well, guess what??? I finally claimed one, and today I got the notice that it was (finally) published on the site! It was A LOT of work for very little money, and it took them over a month to get the article published after I submitted, so I’m not sure how much more of this I’m going to do, but it’s kind of exciting, nevertheless! My topic was a list topic, what some call “click bait.” Maybe it is click bait, but it also has real information based on real experience. Besides, I worked hard on it, and I would love to hear what you all have to say about it, either on the site’s comments or right here. I’d also love to hear where you guys go for beauty, soul soothing, or shutter clicking whether in Virginia or anywhere else in the world! You can read the article here.

Update 10/15/14:  The piece I wrote for Improve Photography had serious errors in it when it was published, which had not been there when I turned it in. I spent the last month going back and forth with an editor trying to get this stuff cleaned up, and I think it is finally as good as it’s going to get. If you visited when it had ridiculous errors in it, I encourage you to re-visit. This has been a real lesson to me, and has me thinking hard about the value of guest blogging on other people’s sites.


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